MPhil Scientific Computing & Industrial ModelingGraduating Class of
2016Research Interests
Optimization and Operations Research, Stochastic Modeling and Transportation Problems, Data AnalysisDissertation(s)
Affiliate Institution
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and TechnologyDegree Obtained
BSc. MathematicsEmail
Nyamekye Kwame Junior obtained his BSc Mathematics degree from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana, in June 2013. He was subsequently taken on as a Teaching Assistant with the Department of Mathematics of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana. He also holds an MPhil in the 'Scientific Computing and Industrial Modelling' programme of the National Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Ghana, and was part of the first graduating cohort, 2017.
Kwame believes that, after about three years short of a decade in studying mathematics, he has finally commenced his journey of truly appreciating the mathematical sciences and their applications. He also believes strongly that, the bane of Ghana's, and by extension, Africa's development and accelerated growth hinges on the catalyst of Science, Mathematics, and Technology. He seeks to become a world renowned researcher and academic, spear-heading world class and innovative scientific work with a core on Mathematical Application.
Kwame is an active member of a number of NGOs, and as he puts it, '...on a one man crusade to revolutionise the teaching and learning of Mathematics at the Secondary and Tertiary levels'. When not otherwise occupied, he enjoys meeting new people, travelling, cooking, and reading, with a ready ear for positive-soul music.