PhD Scientific Computing & Industrial ModelingGraduating Class of
2018Research Interests
Financial MathematicsDissertation(s)
Affiliate Institution
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and TechnologyDegree Obtained
MPhil Scientific Computing & Industrial ModelingEmail
Rhydal Esi Eghan obtained her BSc Mathematics degree from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana, awarded in July 2014. She was subsequently taken on as a Teaching Assistant with the Department of Mathematics, for her mandatory one year National Service. She also holds an MPhil degree in the 'Scientific Computing and Industrial Modelling' programme of the National Institute for Mathematical Sciences (NIMS), Ghana, obtained in July 2017. She is among the first graduating batch of the programme, and is currently enrolled in a doctoral programme with NIMS.
Her research interests lie in the area of Financial Mathematics, specifically, the application of Wavelets to Stochastic Differential Equations in finance.
She enjoys listening to good music and reading novels when she is not otherwise occupied. She can be contacted at reghan(at)nims.edu.gh for further information.